How to Be a Good Couple to Threesome With

I’ve had a LOT of threesomes. I love them. Due to my status of more-or-less-constantly-in-a-relationship-since-I-was-a-teenager, I’ve more often – not always, but often – been one of the members of the more established couple, rather than the third person coming in for playtime.

Playing with an existing couple can be really daunting, even if you’re really into them both. like to think that Mr C&K and I are a good couple to threesome with. We’ve been told so, anyway! So I thought I’d set down some things that I believe a couple can do in order to treat the third party in their threesome well, and make sure they have a good time.

1. No Pressure

Pressure is a massive libido killer. It’s a really bad idea to go into a threesome or potential threesome with a very rigid idea of how you want it to go. This puts undue pressure on everyone, and especially on the third party, who may feel that they have (or actually have) less negotiating power than the couple.

Don’t rush things. Don’t invite a potential playmate over To Have A Threesome And Anything Else Is A Failure. Spend time getting to know what makes them tick, what they’re into, what they’re hoping to get out of the experience, what kind of ongoing dynamic they’re interested in with the two of you (if any), and how they communicate.

And for fuck’s sake, when things do progress to a sexy place, don’t make it a rush to get around all the “bases” as quickly as possible! Making out, touching, groping, hand stuff, oral sex, kink play… all of these things can be amazing. Yes, intercourse can be on the table, but it doesn’t have to be… and rushing to get there will just result in a bad time for everyone.

2. Have your own house in order first.

Nothing is more awkward than being in the middle of a couple having a fight… except being in bed with a couple having a fight.

Discuss your feelings. Talk about any insecurities or jealousies you have that might come up. Plan for how you’ll handle it if they do come up – in a way that is kind and compassionate to everyone, including the third person. “Well we can just kick her out if one of us gets jealous” is neither a solid plan nor an ethical way to treat a human being.

Don’t attempt to bring anyone else in to your relationship, whether for casual sex or something more, unless your relationship is solid first. Note I said solid, not perfect – perfection does not exist. It is monumentally unfair to bring a third party into a dynamic that is crumbling or dysfunctional. It is even more unfair to expect that this person, or sex with them, will somehow fix your relationship issues.

“Relationship broken, add more people” is a cliche because so many couples try to do it… and it never, ever ends well.

3. Approach sex as a collaboration, not a service from them to you.

If you want to have a threesome with a third party where the focus is really on the two of you in the couple, consider hiring a sex worker and paying them properly for their services.

Sex is a collaboration, a dance. Everyone should give and receive pleasure and the goal should be mutual satisfaction for all parties – not just the couple. Your threesome buddy may not be a fully fledged member of your ongoing relationship, but they are a fully fledged member of whatever dynamic the three of you are creating together. Collaborate to have a sexy time. Don’t use them.

Your threesome partner, even if the sex is casual, is not a life-size sex toy! They’re a person with their own wants, needs, desires and feelings.

4. Consent first, consent last, consent in all things.

Check in early and often. If you’re not absolutely 1000% sure you have consent for something, ASK. “Ruining the mood” is a myth – a good time will never be ruined by checking on consent for something, but it can easily be ruined by overstepping someone’s boundaries.

And of course it should go without saying that no means no, and you should never push someone to do something if they don’t want to.

Mr C&K and I received an email from someone we played with recently, thanking us for how good we were at consent and boundaries, and it is honestly one of the best compliments I have ever received.

5. Openly discuss safer sex.

This is absolutely vital. Ideally, this discussion should happen while clothes are still on, long before any sex happens, but it can happen in the moment if necessary. Everyone should disclose their testing status, their safer-sex protocols, the method(s) of birth control they’re using, and any other relevant information – an allergy to latex, for example.

This is as much your responsibility as a couple as it is the third party’s responsibility! 

6. Have things you’re likely to need on hand.

Have a stash of condoms, lube, gloves and dams easily reachable. Think about, and discuss, what toys you’re likely to want and have them easily accessible too (and charged, if applicable)!

7. Have an aftercare plan.

Will your threesome buddy stay over, or would they prefer to go home afterwards? How will they get home safely? If they do stay, would they prefer to sleep with you both or in a separate bed? (I hereby promise that anyone who stays over at ours after sexy time will get pancakes and your favourite hot beverage in the morning. Just, you know, in case it tempts anyone…!)

Make sure there’s time afterwards to cuddle, debrief if necessary, and make sure everyone is okay and has everything they need. Offer, and ask for, reassurance and affection freely as needed. Check in with your sexy friend the next day to make sure all is well with them.

Aaaaand that’s it. Follow these tips and, while I can’t guarantee you’ll have an amazing threesome, you’ll be safe in the knowledge that you’re treating your Special Guest Star with the respect, compassion and consideration they deserve.

If you enjoyed this post, you can buy me a coffee to say thanks.

4 thoughts on “How to Be a Good Couple to Threesome With

  1. Good stuff. I’m in a triad and we have had a gajillion threesomes over the last several years. These are all right on. The hardest part of a threesome for us was always making sure no one was left out. It is pretty easy to fall back on one on one sex positions and accidentally leave someone on the side lines. For my wife it was always hard for her to reassert herself in those moments. Personally I’m happy to get a drink, take a step back, watch the show, and then look for a moment to rejoin but not everyone is cool with that. Over time we finally worked out the positions that do the best at engaging all of us, and the threesomes where we were all clicking have by far been the most amazing sexual experiences of my life.

  2. If I didn’t want to be outed as a sex blogger, I’d send this to one guy I’m dating who knows of my exploration and thinks he’d like to have a threesome with me or go to a sex club. It’s our own early days of dating, we aren’t quite set in our own sexual relationship yet…. and I keep trying to explain to him all of the nuances of threesomes / group sex / sex clubs and it’s absolutely not something that’s going to happen before he and I are secure.

  3. As always, very sound advice from Amy on how to get the most out of your sexy bedtimes. A good bit of pre-planning works wonders but never so much that it makes it a military exercise. And be flexible in approach so that you can all adapt to how it pans out. As it never pans out the way you might have thought it would. Can also be applied to foursomes. But, perhaps, less so, moresomes….Virtual coffee soon I think.

  4. How to be a good guest at a threesome.

    This is an addition to my friend Amy’s article about how to be a good couple at a threesome.

    1.Remember you are a guest!
    Bring a gift. Bring wine or flowers or both. You are an addition to an already established unit. You might be invited into their home, or if they’ve done the hotel thing (kids etc) you are still an extra. So bring a gift or pay the bar bill. Be a good guest!

    2. Define their boundaries.
    PIV is an emotional area. I’m a cis woman who plays with cis men and women but this can apply to all genders and preferences. In my experience playing with cis couples, PIV tends to be a game changer. Before you jump into bed, work out what is and is not acceptable.

    3. Remember why you are there.
    Are you bi? Straight? Exhibitionist? Sub? Dom?
    Why did they invite you? What can you bring to the party? (This is aimed at cis guys/girls playing with cis guy/girl couples- im aware other identities exist and am trying to include all)
    You will obviously have had some discussion beforehand about expectations. Play your part!

    4. Remember you don’t live there.

    Refer to #1. You are a guest!
    If they don’t want you in their bed to sleep then that’s ok. A fuck session doesn’t entitle you to cuddling privileges! Enjoy the sofa or spare bed. Take advantage of late night TV and the leftover wine in the fridge!

    5. They don’t owe you anything.
    And neither do you owe them anything.
    It was fun. The sex was great,
    But that’s it. You are there to play. They’ve invited you to play. And it was fun.
    You might be invited again which would be lovely, but they don’t owe you emotional support and you need to remember that.

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